Day Two at Studio Go was a lot of fun! Today Queen Esther joined our crew. Once again, Coach Armstrong and Professor Wordsmart just couldn’t get any answers correct! We played “Let’s Make a Deal,” where the kids learned about our theme for the day, “Go Risk.” We learned about how Queen Esther took a risk (Esther 4:8-5:2) for God, and He took care of her and the Jewish people. Remember, “no matter who you are and what you know, God is with you wherever you go!”
Spin the Wheel
Go Risk is the word of the day.
Almost . . .
“Let’s make a deal!
Is it worth the risk?
You can risk what you have for something else . . .
“What an awesome God You are . . .”
The sound/overhead guys hard a work
Way to go!
We’re making crowns, just like Queen Esther’s.
One potato, two potato, three potato . . .
Craft time!
Snack time
Professor Wordsmart, Mocha the Dog, and Queen Esther
Now, eat Queen Esther’s crown!
Hold those marbles on your feet all the way to the “pond”
Crawl through the box
Now get a bowling pin into the bucket and run back
On his way . . .
Throught the box
Almost there . . .
Yes, I like pretzels, too.
Snacks are important!!!
The Wordless Book
Out to games
Tell me what you learned about Queen Esther today!
Craft time.
Making coasters
Snack crew
Drawing Queen Esther . . .
And other things. . .
I made a gorilla!
Artists working
Squishy Ball Fight!
Get it wet . . .
And throw it!
A job well done
Good job!
Lots of fun
Still working
Fit it all?
I did it!
Coffee time
A rainbow of shirts . . .
Finally, snack time for us!!
Color the trivet
He needs arms
Copy the verse–great job!
Dont’ drop your marble!
Until it gets into the pond
through the box
Hit the target
Come on down! Who’s the next contestant??
Nap time
Lots of volunteers
Can you get it right, Coach?
Professor Wordsmart tries so hard!
What was the Queen’s name? That’s right, it’s Esther!
Song time
Making friends
Studio Go!
You don’t have to be the biggest!
We need to work on our “E”
God will never forget me!
A little higher next time . . .
Indiana baby