VBS 2012 Day One

We are so thankful to have Pastor and Mrs. Joel & Melanie Franks here from First Free Will Baptist Church in Glaskow, KY!  They brought a group of teens to help us with our Fun Fair and Vacation Bible School.  This year the theme is all about how God, the Creator, has made us.  Our theme verse is Psalm 139:14, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that my soul knows very well.”

Here are pictures of assembly & song time, the opening skit, games, crafts, snacks, Bible lessons, and just plain fun.

Last Service at Oak Harbor Village

For the last six years we have been very thankful to have this wonderful storefront facility to rent!  God has blessed us so much in this location!  As thankful as we are for the storefront, we are thrilled to announce that by God’s grace our Certificate of Occupancy was granted at 100 Exeter Road in Exeter!!!  Thank you so much for your prayers and support throughout this building process!  We have much to do before we can hold our first service, but we are SO excited!!

Here are pictures of Sunday School, Worship, and a group picture after church.  Also included are pictures of everyone helping move stuff over to the new church to make room for VBS.  We are thankful to have Pastor & Mrs. Joel & Melanie Franks with their teens from First FWB Church in Glaskow, KY here to help!!

Fun Fair 2012

We had a lot of fun this year at our Free Family Fun Fair!  It was a perfect day–not too hot!  We got sprinkled on a few times, but the kids didn’t care because they were already soaked from the Slip-n-Slide! 🙂  Many families pulled up and joined us for games & prizes, popcorn, cotton candy, popsicles, face painting, balloons, and 3 different bounce options!  We were very blessed to have Pastor & Mrs. Joel and Melanie Franks with the youth group from First Free Will Baptist Church in Glaskow, Kentucky, who traveled here to help us.  What a terrific job they did!

Finishing Touches

We are so close to finishing now we can almost taste it! To God be the glory!  Thank you for your continued prayers!!!

Left to be done:


Planting shrubs

Painting parking lines

Sign installation

Handicap sign installation

Finishing touchup

Caulking and painting crown molding



Moving from Oak Harbour Village storefront location