Seafood Fest

What a fantastic day we had on Sunday, September 1, 2013! Praise the Lord! We had quite a few local visitors and a bus load of special guests from around the country. The Free Will Baptist Home Missions Hertitage Tour Rolled in before Sunday School. Pastor Henry Horne from Union Chapel Free Will Baptist Church in Chocowinity, NC, preached a message for the Teens and all adult Sunday School classes, which met in the auditorium.

Christy Reynolds’ childhood pastor, Pastor Dann Patrick from Faith Free Will Baptist Church in Goldsboro, NC, who also married Pastor Bill and Christy, preached for the Worship Hour. Praise the Lord, one person prayed to ask the Lord Jesus to forgive her sins and be her Savior after the service.
Then we headed to the fellowship hall where our church folks put out quite a spread! Steamed Clams, Stuffed Quahogs, Clam Chowder, Baked Stuffed Flounder,  Italian food, Allie’s Donut Cake, and more gave these special guests a taste of Rhode Island! Thanks to all who helped, especially Ray Warner, Melissa Titzman, and Shirley Hargraves.  And of course, thank you to Pastor Bill for fileting all that flounder!
Special thanks to all the guests from our sister Free Will Baptist Churches for worshiping with us. We so enjoyed your fellowship!

The Beacon–August 2013

August 2013 1
August 2013 2 updated
Thank you so much for praying!  Our Free Family Fun Fair was awesome.  We had a great turnout despite the occasional showers! We were able to invite a lot of children to VBS, as well.  The kids had a great time at VBS this year as we sang, did crafts, played games, and learned, from God’s Word, to put on the whole armor of God: the Belt of Truth, the Breastplate of Righteousness, the Helmet of Salvation, our Gospel Shoes of Peace, and to take the Shield of Faith and the Sword of the Spirit–God’s Word–the sharpest blade!!!  Praise be to God, five children asked Jesus to forgive their sins and be their Savior!  Thank you for praying!!!!

Pictured with Point Judith Lighthouse is the group who came from Lake Road Free Will Baptist Church in Maine.  What a blessing they were to us not only during the Fun Fair, but also during VBS.  Pastor Carl DeMerchant preached for us on Sunday morning, as well.  Thank you, Lake Road!

It was so nice to see so many of you in Tampa at the National Convention in July.  Thank you so much for your prayers and continued support!  What a blessing you are to us!

VBS 2013

This year we used “The Kingdom Chronicles” from AIG for our Vacation Bible School on July 15-19.  The kids had a great time as we traveled back to medieval times and learned how to become part of God’s Kingdom and how to put on His armor.  We learned so much about God’s love for us!!! The kids had fun in games, crafts, snacks, and Bible lessons.  Special thanks to all the workers, and especially the group from Lake Road Free Will Baptist Church in Maine.  Thanks for your help!

Fun Fair 2013

This year our Free Family Fun Fair was on July 13, 2013 and featured a Dunk Tank, Slip & Slide, and Bouncy Slide along with the usual games and treats. Although there were occasional showers, we enjoyed the overcast day because it kept us cool! It was great to see everyone who came out–we had an awesome day. Praise the Lord! Special thanks to the group from Lake Road Free Will Baptist Church in Maine for coming down to help out!