The Beacon Summer 2013

Summer 2013 1 Summer 2013 2One of the blessings in a church is seeing God call people into the ministry.  Matt Gedeon feels God is calling him to ministry and will be leaving us this summer to go to college.
We are thankful for the ministry Matt has had here at Beacon.  Among so many other things (including innumerable volunteer hours on the church building), he designed our website, took care of our sound system, and was heavily involved in our music ministry.  Please pray for Matt as he prepares to follow God’s call.
Please pray for God to send us someone that can help lead our music program.  Thank you so much for your prayers!

Wednesday Nights at Beacon
We have 3 ladies who rotate cooking a meal for everyone at 5:30.  At 6:00, The boys & girls alternate playtime and scripture memory time with Luke Gedeon, while the praise team practices and the adults play Scrabble and other board games.
At 7:00, we all get together to pray.  At 7:30, the kids go out to the auditorium where  Michaela teaches them Patch the Pirate music to sing in church, Pastor Bill sings active fun songs with them, and Christy teaches them a CEF lesson.  Meanwhile, Tommy Goodfellow teaches the teens and adults a Bible study in the fellowship hall.  The bottom right corner features a picture of the kids singing 2 Sundays ago.  They sang “I Love You, Lord” by Ron Hamilton.

Archery Day at Beacon!
The kids lined up to shoot at 3 targets after our fellowship dinner.  Pastor Bill, Ben & Corina Essex, & Dave Quinn helped instruct them in bow safety and effective archery.  They had a great time learning how to draw the bow, take aim, and release the arrow.  Although many arrows went whizzing past the targets, there were quite a few VERY good shots.
We began our new ladies’ Bible study with Sue Goodfellow.  She is using the book Traveling Light by Max Lucado.  To introduce the study, she and two other ladies came into the room carrying a lot of luggage with various labels like“Guilt,” “Hopelessness,” “Envy,” “Discontentment,”etc.  When they tried to hug and care for each other, they could not because of their baggage.  Sue did an amazing job bringing to life the importance of having a Shepherd with this study based on Psalm 23.

Pastor Rick Murray from Linneus FWB Church in Linneus, ME, and his daughter Kamerin and friend Kent came to visit.  Rick preached for us!

Archery Day!

After a delicious fellowship dinner, we went outside to help the kids enjoy some archery!  Pastor Bill, Dave Quinn, and Ben & Corina Essex helped instruct the kids on bow safety and procedure.  Although lots of arrows went whizzing past the targets, quite a few had to be pulled out of them!  Great job, kids!  The weather was perfect–beautiful sunshine and warm breeze, not hot, and not cold.  Perfect!  Praise the Lord for another great day at church!

Mother’s Day Crepes


Happy Mother’s Day 2013!  Our breakfast ministry team made us a delightful crepe breakfast filled with ricotta, cream cheese, fruit, Nutella, and whipped cream! (not all mixed together, there were several options and lots of variety . . .) During the Worship Hour, each lady received a chocolate bar in honor of Mother’s Day.


January 2013

How exciting to have our Living Nativity on the beautiful stage in the new church building!  Once again our children and teens did an amazing job of portraying the first Christmas.  It was a great service full of joy at remembering our Savior’s birth.  After Pastor Bill’s sermon entitled, “A Wise Approach to Christmas,” we enjoyed a delicious ham dinner together in the fellowship hall.  We even played ping pong and Pictionary/Charades and had a great time!  Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support for Beacon Free Will Baptist Church!!
We want to thank all of you for your prayers regarding Christy’s recent health crisis.  She was diagnosed with bilateral dissection of her carotid arteries due to a collagen deficiency.  Thank God she suffered no brain damage or stroke, and doctors said they expect a full recovery with an aspirin a day and 2 weeks of bedrest.  She is currently following the Gerson Therapy Diet to promote more rapid healing.  We can see God’s hand at work and are very thankful.  Thank you for your continued prayers!  Your overwhelming support means so much to us!

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