Tenth Anniversary Sunday

Wow, September 2002 through September 2012–what a great ten years!  After Sunday School, we worshiped together.  Then we walked down memory lane–“Ten Years in Ten Minutes”–while the guys set up the baptistry for our baptism.  (We included the pictures of 2 other baptisms from the week following to streamline.)  Brian Muschiano, Michaela Rush, Carol Trammell, Liz Rossi, Bob Vallee, Frank Brazee, and John Schmidt are the names of those who followed Jesus Christ in baptism.  After the baptisms, we all headed to the fellowship hall for a dinner.  What a great Tenth Anniversary Sunday!!!

September Events

This September our ladies had a great time at their Bible Study Luncheon in which we finished up the book of Ruth. The next weekend at our Ladies Retreat, we relaxed, prayed, meditated on scripture, ate, played games, and watched “chick flicks” together.  It was a very refreshing and enjoyable time for the ladies who attended.  Our youth enjoyed getting messy making pinatas for our upcoming Harvest Party.  Then, while waiting for the layers to dry, they played nickel football/basketball and “keep the balloon off the floor.”  We had a planning meeting for some upcoming events after church one day.  Also included are some Sunday School pictures. Not pictured was our Men’s Prayer Breakfast, but our guys enjoyed a hearty breakfast, Bible study, and time of prayer together.  We also had a church workday for cleaning and raking/spreading more grass seeds.  For both events we forgot to take pictures!

The Beacon September 2012

Grand Opening Service
August 19, 2012
Thank you so much for all your prayers!! Once again we find ourselves with not nearly enough room for all the pictures we want to share with you. By our best estimates, at least 200 people were in attendance to hear about the hope we have in Jesus Christ. At least 20 people indicated that they asked the Lord to forgive their sins and be their Savior! To God be the glory!! He has indeed done great things!!! Thank you again for your continued prayers and support!! Our joy could not be greater!


Grand Opening Fellowship Dinner

Of course, at Beacon we love to eat and fellowship together regularly, so after a tremendous Worship Service, we had a delicious dinner–ham, rosemary chicken, lasagna, and lots of sides and desserts!  The best part was getting to know all the new people who stayed for the dinner and fellowshipping with those who came from supporting churches in other states.  Thank you so much to everyone who came and shared our special day!  Praise the Lord!