Grand Opening Service

To God be the glory, Great things He has done!  Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow!  We’re not sure exactly how many people pulled into the parking lot and came to church Sunday, but our best estimations are around 200!  “Inexpressible Joy” was the title of the sermon from I Peter 1:3-9 in which Pastor Bill explained how true joy comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ.  We had an overwhelming response during the invitation to accept Christ and pray for others.

We were overjoyed to finally have our Grand Opening service, and it was great to have a group from Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA, a group from Good News Free Will Baptist Church in Chesterfield, VA, Pastor Rick Chapman and his family from Hannibal, MO, Don & Marie Wilbanks from New Hope Free Will Baptist Church in Joelton, Tennessee, and Free Will Baptist Home Missionaries to Quebec, Canada Danny & Dawn Elliott & family.  Thank you for coming to rejoice with us!!!

Here’s the sermon.

VBS 2012

We are so thankful to have Pastor and Mrs. Joel & Melanie Franks here from First Free Will Baptist Church in Glaskow, KY!  They brought a group of teens to help us with our Fun Fair and Vacation Bible School.  This year the theme is all about how God, the Creator, has made us.  Our theme verse is Psalm 139:14, “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and that my soul knows very well.”

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Day Four

Day Five

The Beacon August 2012

So much to tell, so little space! Special thanks to Dave & Gaye Nobles from Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA, who came & installed the sound system. Special thanks to Tommy & Sue Goodfellow from Gateway Free Will Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, VA, who have been helping us all along.  Special thanks to First Free Will Baptist Church from Glasgow, Kentucky who sent Joel & Melanie Franks with a group of teenagers to help put on our great Fun Fair and amazing Vacation Bible School. They also helped us with finishing touches on the building and moving!  THANK YOU!!!!  What a blessing!!!!

We had a great Fun Fair!  Over 25 new families came to our Fun Fair and received info on the church and an invitation to our Grand Opening Service while their kids played games, bounced on the giant slides and slipped through the giant slip & slide, ate popcorn, popsicles, & cotton candy, got their faces painted, and more!

VBS was great this year. 32 children in all attended, and 6 of them prayed to ask Jesus to forgive their sins and be their Savior! We are so grateful to the group from KY who came to help! See more pictures at under “All News” and/or “Recent and Past Events!!!

To each person who gave, prayed, and/or came and helped,


To God be the glory, great things He has done!


Praise the Lord–our first service at the new building was August 5. That day was also special because another person prayed to ask Jesus Christ to forgive his sins and be his Savior! What a great first day! Praise God!

Please pray for our Grand Opening Aug. 19!!! Mailings and personal invitations are going out!


Thank you so much for your prayers! Thank you for your continued support! We need it now more than ever! Without your prayers and financial support, this ministry would not be possible! Thank you!