Mid-May Progress

Thank you so much for your continued prayers! God is so good–much has been accomplished so far this month!

All the stonework is up, (PRAISE THE LORD!!!) so now we are cleaning the stones that got messed up in the process and fortifying some gaps with extra mortar. Please pray for us as we continue this process, and as the flooring gets finished up. We hope to have electricity and plumbing soon, as well.

We are expecting the excavators soon to finish up with grading, so hopefully we can begin landscaping and get the parking lot done. Please continue to pray for safety for our volunteers and professional workers, good weather, and His continued providence! Thank you so much!

The Beacon May 2012

May-12-1 May-12-2The Miller Family–Pastor Terry, Tammy, Brian, Devan, & Brannon–have moved up to Rhode Island to minister with us. Pastor Terry will serve as our associate pastor, and Tammy will serve in various ministries including music, discipleship, and teaching. Together they will work with our teens. Their sons Brannon & Devan will help with music and audio, as well. They will be a tremendous blessing to this ministry!! (Brian and Jonathan are headed to work at Trinity Camp in AL for the summer and then to Southeastern FWB College this fall.)

At our church outing to Wilson Park, we played volleyball, flag football, whiffle ball, and other games as the little kids played at the playground. Some of the folks just enjoyed sitting and talking togher. A picnic lunch of charcoal-girlled hot dogs, pasta salad, chips, cookies, and salad & fruit made the day perfect!


Tommy & Sue Goodfellow from Gateway FWB Church are here to help again! We are VERY thankful! What a blessing!


Stone work is almost complete. Tile is all laid, awaiting the return of Gary Wilson from Lynchburg, VA for grout and carpet completion. Ceiling tiles are hung and trim is getting put up. We are so thankful for your continued prayers for safety for our volunteers and professional workers and for warm, dry weather!


Special Thanks To Gary Wilson for coming to help with flooring!


Praise God for His faithfulness to provide for every need! Prayer Requests:



Electrical Work

Finish carpentry



Church Furniture

Fence & playground

Church Outing to Wilson Park

We had a great time after church on Sunday, May 6, 2012!  Grilled hot dogs, chips, macaroni & regular salad with yummy cookies and krispy treats was our picnic lunch.  Then we played volleyball, whiffle ball, and flag football.  Although the afternoon began overcast & chilly, the sun came out and we all warmed up after a while.  What a great way to spend a Sunday afternoon!

May Progress

God is so good!  So much is being accomplished.  Every day it seems He is providing in ways we couldn’t have imagined!  Please pray for the following to be accomplished this month:

  1. Stonework finished.
  2. Flooring finished.
  3. Trim work finished.
  4. Electrical work finished.
  5. Kitchen installed.
  6. Bathrooms installed.
  7. Heating, AC, and Sound System installed.
  8. Excavation finished.
  9. Parking Lot and lights installed.
  10. Landscaping done.

Thank you so much for continued prayers!!!  Please continue to pray for good weather and safety for all the workers!