December 11 was our Living Nativity Service.
On December 25 we had our Christmas Communion & Brunch.
The youth did a wonderful job presenting our Living Nativity this year. The older youth narrated with some dramatic flair, and then the Youth Chorus sang for us. On Christmas Day we gathered for a yummy brunch and a beautiful time of worship together. What a great day!
Special thanks to John Buschmann, Ed Verra, & Joe Fahed who came from Good News Free Will Baptist Church in Chesterfield, VA. They came to help put up siding and the steeple. They also built the sound booth! Special thanks to Dr. Dave Nobles from Bethel Free Will Baptist in Woodbridge, VA, who came and laid the wiring for our sound system!
After the Men’s Prayer Breakfast, the men came and worked at the church on January 14.