September 2011

We had such a great day on our Anniversary Sunday September 4!  A small instrumental ensemble of Piano, Bass Guitar, Xylophone, Flute, Trombone, and Trumpet played “Amazing Grace” for the offertory. It sounded very nice.  Then after worship we headed over to Ray Warner’s backyard for our annual and very yummy Fried Turkey Fellowship.  One woman accepted Christ as Savior while we were preparing for baptism!  God is so good!

CJ Crain, Bethany Gedeon, Paula Kairnes, and Dominic Ponce were baptized at our last fellowship of the summer! Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support!  We are  so thankful for you!
Don & Marie Wilbanks have come to help us with the construction! What a blessing! Pictured are several workdays we have had at the church.  Most of what you see is done has been volunteer work!  God has graciously blessed the efforts of these workers!  See more pictures and new updates at our church website.  “So they said, ‘Let us rise up and build.’  Then they set their hands to this good work.” Nehemiah 2:18, “So we built the wall, . . . for the people had a mind to work.” Nehemiah 4:6

9th Anniversary Sunday

God has been so good to us!  Celebrating 9 years at Beacon, we opened with Sunday School and the Worship Hour, during which an instrumental ensemble (piano, bass guitar, xylophone, flute, trombone, and trumpet) played “Amazing Grace” for the offertory.  Then we all changed clothes and headed over to Ray Warner’s backyard for our annual Turkey Fry.  5 fried turkeys, 3 varieties of stuffing, a giant batch of green bean cassarole, and cake and ice cream were just the “tip of the iceberg . . .”  We had such a yummy meal!  Then, after it settled a little, four people were baptized, and one person prayed to accept Jesus Christ as Savior!  We also enjoyed sitting around and chatting and playing volleyball & horseshoes. Some of the youth enjoyed the pool, while others enjoyed making mud pies.  What a great day! You can see more pictures of the baptisms on the Baptisms page.

August 2011

  • The YET Team came and did a 3-day program for us.  Thanks!!!
  • First FWB of Florence, SC sent their youth group up to help us with our Family Fun Day outreach program and passed out 800 doorhanger invitations for VBS!  Thank you!
  • Yorkshire FWB Church of Manassas, VA sent a group up with all the supplies for VBS.  They put on a tremendous week of fun and “gold mining” for truth in God’s Word! Thank you!!!

Ground Breaking Service

Praise the Lord!!!!  We got our shovels and went to the church lot On July 10, 2011 to break ground and dedicate the building to God’s service and Glory.

It was nice to have Dr. Dave nobles and David & Jodene Clark visiting From

Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA.

Thank you So much for your

prayers and Support! Without you this day

never would have come!


VBS 2011

It’s a GOLD RUSH at Beacon Church! Special thanks to the group from Yorkshire Free Will Baptist Church in Manassas, Virginia! They brought up all the props and supplies to put on a GREAT VBS this year! You’ll see pictures of craft time, snack time, Bible lesson time, and games & songs, too. Here are some photos of the fun we had digging for treasures in God’s Word!  Also included are photos of our Wednesday night spaghetti supper and Bible Study where Pastor Todd from Yorkshire presented VBS highlights.  Some of the children came up and helped him show the grownups the songs they had learned. We also put in the group pictures from the last day.  They are quite humorous because getting a large group of children to smile all at once is a BIG task. 🙂