We will continually update this gallery so you can see the progress as it occurs. Thank you for your prayers as we begin to build! Please continue to pray for safety for the workers, materials to be available quickly and inexpensively, and work to progress. The trusses are up–what a miracle! September 29 was supposed to be rainy, but God answered our prayers and they got hung before it rained! Many thanks to all the workers who have volunteered on this project so far!
August 27, 2011 Getting some power for our first day of framing
August 27, 2011 Sweeping off to install the sill plates.
August 27, 2011 Getting ready for the sill plates.
August 27, 2011 Pastor Bill showing where the nursery will be.
August 27, 2011 Sweeping for sill plates.
August 27, 2011 Mrs. Marie Wilbanks sweeping for the sill plates.
August 27, 2011 Getting the wood up on the saw horses.
August 27, 2011 Pastor Bill, Don & Marie Wilbanks, Bob Vallee, Ernie McCollum, Matt Gedeon, Michaela, Hannah, Billy, Sarah, & Christy Reynolds, Bruce Miller, and Dave Vallee attempting to work on the sill plates. However, it rained. We had to pack up and wait for clearer skies.
August 27, 2011 Sarah the sweeper.
August 27, 2011 Right before the rain.
August 27, 2011 Well, I guess we have to wait!
August 27, 2011 We’re ready to start when the rain stops!
August 27, 2011 Packing up.
August 30, 2011 Pastor Bill and Don working on the sill plates.
August 30, 2011 Pastor Bill and Don working on the sill plates.
August 30, 2011 Pastor Bill and Don working on the sill plates.
August 30, 2011 Pastor Bill and Don working on the sill plates.
August 30, 2011 Sill plates.
August 30, 2011 Sill plates.
August 31, 2011 Pastor Bill talking with the mason.
August 31, 2011 Tom and Sue Goodfellow came to see the church property, talking with Don and Ernie and Billy.
August 31, 2011 Closeup of sill plates.
August 31, 2011 Tom and Sue Goodfellow talking with Ernie, Billy, and Don.
August 31, 2011 Drainage tank.
August 31, 2011 Drainage field/parking lot.
August 31, 2011 More drainage and grading.
August 31, 2011 Rebecca Melesciuc checking out the foundation.
August 31, 2011 Rebecca by the church sign.
September 1, 2011 Don & Marie Wilbanks hard at work.
September 1, 2011 Dottie Benson checking out the foundation.
September 1, 2011 Pastor Bill working on some measurements.
September 1, 2011 Ernie McCollum and Bob Vallee leveling/nailing down sill plates.
September 1, 2011 Smile, guys!
September 1, 2011 Pastor Bill giving Dottie the grand tour.
September 1, 2011 Warren & Dottie Benson touring the construction with Pastor Bill.
September 1, 2011 Warren checking out the sill plates with Ernie & Bob.
September 1, 2011, “I want to put some nails in!” Go, Dotty, Go!
September 2, 2011 Matt Gedeon building a wall in the Sunday School wing.
September 2, 2011 Billy Reynolds operating the chop saw.
September 2, 2011 Donald Wilbanks laying out the walls.
September 2, 2011 Making sure the wall matches the plans with Pastor Bill.
September 3, 2011 Getting ready to put some walls together: Frank Brazee, Matt Gedeon, Luke Gedeon, Pastor Bill, Michaela, Hannah, & Billy Reynolds, Don & Marie Wilbanks
September 3, 2011 Does it measure up?
September 3, 2011 Installing headers for the door. Headers keep the wall steady when doors open and shut.
September 3, 2011 Peter Gedeon joined the crew.
September 3, 2011 Building that wall–Frank & Luke.
September 3, 2011 Nailing it together.
September 3, 2011 Here we go!
September 3, 2011 Raising the first wall!
September 3, 2011 Almost up!
September 3, 2011 Hold it!
September 3, 2011 Pastor Bill nailing it down.
September 3, 2011 Don nailing it down.
September 3, 2011 Holding it steady.
September 3, 2011 Holding up the wall.
September 3, 2011 Teamwork.
September 3, 2011 Wow!
September 3, 2011 Getting it secured.
September 3, 2011 Lots of cutting!
September 3, 2011 Michaela & Hannah taking a quick break.
September 3, 2011 Tabetha Gedeon joined the crew (and took most of the September 3 pictures)
September 3, 2011 Up goes another one!
September 3, 2011 Hold it up!
September 3, 2011 Are we done, yet?
September 3, 2011 “Smile, Pastor!”
September 3, 2011 Getting that last nail in . . . until the next workday!
9/5/11 Labor Day Laborers: Don, Marie, Dave, Pastor Bill, Michaela, Hannah, Billy, Liz, Jake, Matt, Cullen, Ray
September 5, 2011 Get it right, Pastor!
September 5, 2011 Cutting lots of timber.
9/5/11 Dave showing Michaela & Hannah how to look for the crown (the natural bow of the wood)
9/5/11 Building the walls one frame at a time.
9/5/11 Fellowship hall wall.
9/5/11 Lunch time! First fellowship at the new church!
9/5/11 Turkey, stuffing, gravy, tomatoes, bread, and beans with dessert!
9/5/11 Bev brought lunch to the work crew.
9/5/11 Paula brought lunch, too.
9/5/11 One board at a time!
9/5/11 Another wall goes up!
9/5/11 Smile, Don!
9/5/11 Labor Day Done!
September 15, 2011 Don, Bob, & Pastor Bill putting up headers.
September 15, 2011
September 15, 2011 Building headers.
September 15, 2011 Pastor’s family picture–take 1
September 15, 2011 Pastor’s family picture–take 2
September 15, 2011
September 15, 2011
September 15, 2011 Michaela, Hannah, Billy, & Sarah Reynolds in a Sunday School window.
September 15, 2011 Don, Marie, Bob, & Pastor Bill “cutting up”
September 15, 2011
September 15, 2011
September 15, 2011
September 15, 2011
9/15/11 Got some plywood up!
9/16/11 Dave, Bob, Ray, Don, Billy, & Pastor Bill putting up wall sheathing.
9/16/11 Teamwork!
9/16/11 Ray answering the question, “What’s a header?”
9/16/11 Bracing the wall.
9/16/11 The grease trap. Whoa! We’ll have to eat a lot of bacon to fill that thing!
9/16/11 Another view of the grease trap.
9/16/11 Septic Tank.
9/19/11 Sceptic lines.
9/19/11 Sceptic lines.
9/19/11 Don & Marie hard at work.
9/19/11 Dave, Ray, & Bob hard at work straightening the wall.
9/19/11 Pastor Bill securing the anchor.
9/19/11 Paula & Mason standing at the fellowship hall doorway from the vestibule.
9/19/11 Sunday School wing.
9/19/11 Septic tank.
9/19/11 View from road.
9/19/11 Grease trap.
9/19/11 Septic line in front of main entry way.
9/19/11 Septic line.
9/19/11 Additional septic lines, Sunday School wing.
9/19/11 Septic tank again.
9/19/11 Sunday School wing.
9/21/11 One gable-end truss up!
9/21/11 We need all the help we can get!
9/21/11 Nora, Billy, & CJ Crain
9/21/11 Nora, Billy, & CJ Crain in a Sunday School window.
9/21/11 WOW! 🙂
9/27/11 Pastor Bill’s phone is literally ringing nonstop!
9/27/11 Septic system
9/27/11 Putting up trusses.
9/27/11 Terry & Tammy Miller–a very special couple to us!
9/27/11 Brian, Ed, & Joe getting ready to attach a truss.
9/27/11 John is SO strong!
9/27/11 Steadying the truss.
9/27/11 Getting ready to attach the truss.
9/27/11 Here it comes!
9/27/11 Almost there . . .
9/27/11 Got it!
9/27/11 Brannon, Terry, Devan, Tammy, & Brian Miller
9/27/11 Seeing the crane in action
9/27/11 Putting up trusses.
9/27/11 Installing the septic system.
9/27/11 Beginning to take shape . . .
9/27/11 The crane hard at work.
9/27/11 Bulldozer getting ready for the elgins (“fancy-dancy septic system”).
9/27/11 Shooting elevation grade. (measuring the level of the dirt)
9/27/11 Duct work
9/27/11 Mrs. Marie and Tammy Miller “inspecting.” 🙂
9/27/11 Bob Vallee and Ed Verra
9/27/11 Attaching the gable end to the dozer.
9/27/11 Lifting the gable end.
9/27/11 Ed and Joe in the doorway.
9/27/11 The crew: Don Wilbanks, Bob Vallee, Pastor Bill, Terry, Brian, &; Brannon Miller (from Alabama), Ed Verra, John Buschmann, Joe Fahed (from Virginia)
9/27/11 John moving the trusses to the crane.
9/27/11 Moving the truss to the crane.
9/27/11 Moving the gable end with the bulldozer and moving the truss by hand.
9/27/11 Ed & crew getting it done
9/27/11 Don & JR laying down the gable end by the crane.
9/27/11 Laying down the truss.
9/27/11 Trusses up!
9/27/11 Elgins. (“fancy-dancy septic system”)
9/28/11 View of septic system from road.
9/28/11 Don securing the gable end to a rope for guidance, Pastor Bill securing it to crane.
9/28/11 Front of church.
9/28/11 Pastor Bill attaching the crane to the gable end.
9/28/11 Crane moving Fellowship Hall gable end.
9/28/11 Crane moving Fellowship Hall gable end.
9/28/11 Crane moving Fellowship Hall gable end.
9/28/11 Crane moving Fellowship Hall gable end.
9/28/11 Crane moving Fellowship Hall gable end.
9/28/11 Crane moving Fellowship Hall gable end.
9/28/11 “Let’s go fly a kite . . .”
9/28/11 Crane moving Fellowship Hall gable end.
9/28/11 Crane moving Fellowship Hall gable end.
9/28/11View from playground area behind Fellowship Hall.
9/28/11 John & Joe securing trusses.
9/28/11 Brannon & Brian nailing boards on the trusses.
9/28/11 Laying septic seeping pipes over the elgins (high-tech filters).
9/28/11 More septic work.
9/28/11 View from middle of Sunday School wing.
9/28/11 View from front corner of Sunday School wing.
9/28/11 Crane lifting truss.
9/28/11 View from back of auditorium.
9/28/11 Skylight . . .
9/28/11 Looking at Fellowship Hall back door.
9/28/11 View from side of Fellowship Hall.
9/28/11View from back corner of Fellowship Hall.
9/28/11 Lunch break. Carol Newman, Marie Wilbanks, Tammy Miller, & Christy Reynolds brought sandwiches . . . mmmmm
9/28/11 “Joe, where should I put this heating/AC unit?”
9/28/11 Duct work in trusses/boards on trusses.
9/28/11 Duct work in the trusses/boards on trusses.
9/28/11 Looking left from front of auditorium.
9/28/11 Looking straight back from front of auditorium.
9/28/11 Looking right from the front of auditorium.
9/29/11 The trusses are up, so let’s get boards on them!
9/29/11 Boarding up the trusses.
9/29/11 Boarding the trusses.
9/29/11 Nailing it down.
9/29/11 View from road–septic system and gable end of Sunday School wing.
9/29/11 View from road of septic system and Sunday School wing.
9/29/11 View from road, far left of the lot.
9/29/11 View from road.
9/30/11 Septic almost done.
9/30/11 View of trusses from inside as the boards are going up.
9/30/11 View of trusses from inside as the boards are going up.
9/30/11 View of trusses from inside as the boards are going up.
9/30/11 View of trusses from inside as the boards are going up.
9/30/11 View of trusses from inside as the boards are going up.
9/30/11 View of trusses from inside as the boards are going up.
9/30/11 View of trusses from inside as the boards are going up.
9/30/11 View of trusses from inside as the boards are going up.
9/30/11 View of trusses from inside as the boards are going up.
9/30/11 Putting boards on the trusses.
9/30/11 Putting boards on the trusses.
9/30/11 View from future parking lot.
9/30/11 Some valley trusses sitting up on the boards.
9/30/11 What a crew! These guys put in quite a week–all the trusses up and over 100 boards up out of 475. WOW. Thank you, guys! L-R Devan, Brannon, Brian Miller, Joe Fahed, Terry Miller, Ed Verra, Don Willbanks, John Buschmann, Pastor Bill, Bob Vallee