Fun Fair 2011

Fun Fair 2011

What a spectacular day at our annual Free Family Fun day!  Bouncy houses, slides, and games kept lots of parents and children hopping.  Cotton Candy, Freezie Pops, and Popcorn kept them going–and us, too!!! Special thanks to the youth group from First Free Will Baptist Church of Florence, SC who came up and helped us serve our community with this event!  And special thanks to all our Beacon folks who helped make this day so great for the kids!

Clam Cakes & Chowdah 2011

Clam Cakes & Chowdah 2011

We were blessed to have the youth group from First Free Will Baptist Church of Florence, SC with us for a week.  On July 24, Youth Pastor Adam Hinson taught the teen/adult Sunday School class and delivered a powerful sermon on God’s love from John 3:16.  As you can see, after church we went over to a member’s home for a fellowship.  The lines formed up for steaming bowls of New England Clam Chowdah and Pastor Bill’s Clam Cakes.   Then we had ice cream cones to cool off after volleyball and horseshoes.  The children enjoyed swimming, as well.  All in all a great day at Beacon Church!

Framing Phase

We will continually update this gallery so you can see the progress as it occurs.  Thank you for your prayers as we begin to build!  Please continue to pray for safety for the workers, materials to be available quickly and inexpensively, and work to progress. The trusses are up–what a miracle!  September 29 was supposed to be rainy, but God answered our prayers and they got hung before it rained!  Many thanks to all the workers who have volunteered on this project so far!