After church, we had cake for a triple birthday celebration. Then we went bowling at Wickford Lanes! Some of us bowled, some of us attempted to bowl, and some of us sat and watched the fun.
Author Archives: Christy Reynolds
January 2014
Thank you for praying for our Christmas events in December! Once again, our youth presented the Nativity in a beautiful way this year. Narrators read from Luke 2 and Matthew 2 while Christmas carols softly played. Between scenes the congregation would sing selected carols. Once everyone was on stage, the Praise Team sang “Of the Father’s Love Begotten.” After the Nativity, they quickly changed and came back for a song they had prepared, “The Wexford Carol.” Some of the kids are displaying the hats everyone received that day. After the Nativity and sermon, we had a delicious fellowship dinner. Thank you again for your faithful prayers!
We wanted to let them know we appreciated their hard work on the Nativity, so we threw them a pizza making party!
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for this ministry! Thank you for your faithful support! God has answered your prayers for our account! Thank you to Haven Free Will Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC, and Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA, for giving so generously to get our account out of the red. Praise the Lord!
For the past month and a half, we have been praying that the Lord would guide us by His Spirit to know what to do in the coming year. On January 12, we met, and God answered our prayers. He unified us by His Spirit and gave us some great ideas to reach out to the community and to minister to those in our congregation. Please pray that the Lord would motivate us to implement these ideas, and that He would give us wisdom and grace, and that He would make our efforts fruitful. Thank you for praying!
Kids’ Christmas Pizza Making Party 2013
The kids had a great time making pizzas and playing chase, ping pong, nickel basketball, duck-duck-goose, and just hanging out. Merry Christmas!
Living Nativity 2013
The youth did a beautiful job narrating and reenacting the Bible account of Jesus’ birthday. Afterwards we had a delicious meal and enjoyed fellowship together. The kids even braved the cold and made some snowmen! Praise the Lord for a great day!