I Thessalonians 5:16-18 tells us, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” Thanks be to our Lord Jesus Christ, Who has done so much for us this year! We are rejoicing in His goodness. God is using each experience in our lives to teach us how to love and serve each other and how to show Christ’s love as we minister to the needs of those God has brought our way.
Praise the Lord, in October, two more people have asked Jesus Christ to forgive their sins and be their Savior!
This year everyone had such a great time at the Harvest Party. We also enjoyed a campfire singalong, devotion time, and yummy dinner. The judges worked hard to evaluate the pies while the kids played and tried to break their pinatas. Thank you for your prayers!
In October, Bill traveled to Linneus Free Will Baptist Church in Linneus, ME, for a revival. Special thanks to Pastor & Mrs. Rick Murray and the Linneus church for their wonderful hospitality. It was so nice to fellowship with you! Thank you for your prayers and support! Special thanks to Pastor Paul Collins and Harrisonburg FWB Church in Harrisonburg, VA, Pastor Dave Nobles and Bethel FWB Church in Woodbridge, VA, and Pastor Glen Johnson and Good News FWB Church in Chesterfield, VA, for allowing us to present our ministry in November. Thank you for your hospitality, prayers, and support. We enjoyed your fellowship!
Just a quick health update on Bill & Christy: By God’s grace, both are fully recovered. Your love and prayers during the times of our illnesses were invaluable and a great encouragement.
As 2013 is quickly drawing to a close, we look back on the opportunities God has provided for our church family. The Lord has given us great blessings and opportunities to reach out to each other and to the community in which God has placed us. You have partnered with us in all of this through your continued prayers and financial support. We are so grateful for each of you! May God richly bless you, your churches, and your families as we look forward to serving Him together in 2014.
Upcoming Events and Prayer Requests:
November 24–Church Thanksgiving Fellowship
December 15–Living Nativity and Church Christmas Dinner
December 24–Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion & Carols
Please pray for these events as we prepare for them & invite people to come. Please pray as we plan for outreach opportunities in 2014. Thank you so much!