The Beacon May 2012

May-12-1 May-12-2The Miller Family–Pastor Terry, Tammy, Brian, Devan, & Brannon–have moved up to Rhode Island to minister with us. Pastor Terry will serve as our associate pastor, and Tammy will serve in various ministries including music, discipleship, and teaching. Together they will work with our teens. Their sons Brannon & Devan will help with music and audio, as well. They will be a tremendous blessing to this ministry!! (Brian and Jonathan are headed to work at Trinity Camp in AL for the summer and then to Southeastern FWB College this fall.)

At our church outing to Wilson Park, we played volleyball, flag football, whiffle ball, and other games as the little kids played at the playground. Some of the folks just enjoyed sitting and talking togher. A picnic lunch of charcoal-girlled hot dogs, pasta salad, chips, cookies, and salad & fruit made the day perfect!


Tommy & Sue Goodfellow from Gateway FWB Church are here to help again! We are VERY thankful! What a blessing!


Stone work is almost complete. Tile is all laid, awaiting the return of Gary Wilson from Lynchburg, VA for grout and carpet completion. Ceiling tiles are hung and trim is getting put up. We are so thankful for your continued prayers for safety for our volunteers and professional workers and for warm, dry weather!


Special Thanks To Gary Wilson for coming to help with flooring!


Praise God for His faithfulness to provide for every need! Prayer Requests:



Electrical Work

Finish carpentry



Church Furniture

Fence & playground

The Beacon–April 2012


April-2012-1 April-2012-2

In our March fellowship youth cupcake baking contest, Anna Gedeon took first with her filled-with-sprinkles-on-top cupcakes.  Peter Gedeon took second with his frosted brownie cupcakes, and Billy Reynolds took 3rd with his chocolate-with-a-cherrry-on-top cupcakes.

Happy Easter!  After a fun Easter Egg Hunt, Christy sat the kids down and used 2 sticks to represent a cross and read & explained Luke 23:33-34.  Next in the bag was a bottle of cinnamon (pictured) with some ace bandage for the wrapping of Jesus’ body, with which she used John 19:38-41. Then she pulled out a rock for the tombstone, reading Mark 15:46.  Last of all, there was an empty Easter egg to represent Jesus’ empty tomb. Matthew 28:1-7 summed up the VERY happy ending to the story, but we finished with John 14:1-3–Jesus is preparing a place for us in Heaven, too, so we can be with Him one day if we ask Him to forgive us for our sins!  Yay!!!

Our Easter Communion Service was a wonderful celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection.  A family of six visited that day–they had seen our sign at the building site, so they decided to come worship with us on Easter!  Praise the Lord!

God has been so good!  The sheetrock got completed and painted!  Special thanks to John Buschmann  & Ed Verra from Good News FWBC in Chesterfield, VA, for coming to paint and hang acoustic ceiling. Terry Miller, Matt Gedeon, Pastor Bill, & Ray Warner rolled paint behind John. Cullen Crain, Ernie McCollum, Frank Brazee, & Matt Gedeon came for Men’s workday cleanup. Dave Vallee hung doors with Pastor Bill.  Matt Gedeon, Frank Brazee, Christy, Michaela, & Hannah Reynolds, Ed Verra, & Gordon Johnston laid stonework with Chris Kairnes.



The Beacon March 2012

Thank you so much for your continued prayers!!!  The stone continues to be put on.  Praise the Lord for the answered prayers for safety and a mild winter–this week is especially warm!

Thank you so much to the staff of the Home Missions Office and all who were involved in the recent Home Missions Summit.  We learned so much from the seminars and were refreshed by your fellowship and that of other missionaries!

Thank you for your prayers and support–
We thank God for your faithfulness to partner with us in building this church!

February 2012

Thank you so much for praying!
Thank you so much to Pastor Tommy Franks and Hamilton FWB in AL, and Pastor Randy Wright and Piney Grove FWB in AL for having me to present our ministry in person.  Thank you for your hospitality and generosity!
Thanks for your continued prayers and support!  Work inside and outside continues. Here you can see the baptistry being installed and some furring strips put on the trusses.  We are waiting on the electrical to be done so that the insulation and sheetrock can be put in.  Please continue to pray for mild weather and safety for our workers!  Thank you so much!