December 11 was our Living Nativity Service.
On December 25 we had our Christmas Communion & Brunch.
The youth did a wonderful job presenting our Living Nativity this year. The older youth narrated with some dramatic flair, and then the Youth Chorus sang for us. On Christmas Day we gathered for a yummy brunch and a beautiful time of worship together. What a great day!
Special thanks to John Buschmann, Ed Verra, & Joe Fahed who came from Good News Free Will Baptist Church in Chesterfield, VA. They came to help put up siding and the steeple. They also built the sound booth! Special thanks to Dr. Dave Nobles from Bethel Free Will Baptist in Woodbridge, VA, who came and laid the wiring for our sound system!
After the Men’s Prayer Breakfast, the men came and worked at the church on January 14.
Category Archives: Newsletters
Beacon Newsletters
October 2011
O v e r w h e l m e d .
This project is too big for us to handle.
The trusses need to be hung.
We need more men to work.
It’s supposed to rain all week.
We need a crane.
O V E R W H E L M E D !
God sent 6 extra workers EXACTLY when we needed them.
Every day God kept the rain away until the day’s work was done.
God supplied the big crane we needed.
Every truss got hung in 2 days except the valley trusses, which we were able to do without a crane.
Y o u b e t w e ’ r e o v e r w h e l m e d – –
His answers to prayer–YOUR prayers and ours–have been incredible. Please keep praying. God has so far met every need and kept every worker safe. He has called us to this, and He is doing it . . . We should not be surprised by His provision, but we sure are O V E R W H E L M E D by our great God!
THANK YOU for supporting us! We are still in need of your financial support. Our account has gone down significantly in the last few months. Your continued prayers and financial support make this ministry possible!
Special thanks to John Buschmann, Ed Verra, and Joe Fahed from Good News Free Will Baptist Church in Chesterfield, VA who came up for a week and helped hang those trusses. Special thanks to Terry, Brian, & Brannon Miller who are here for 5 weeks. They helped get those trusses hung, boarded, & taped and will be here to help shingle the roof and hang windows and doors to get the church dried in. Special thanks to Don & Marie Willbanks who stayed for 2 months to get us going on this building. We miss you already!
Terry & Tammy Miller with 3 of their sons. This family is very special to us because Terry led Bill to Christ 23 years ago! They came up to help us with the building and with ministry–a huge blessing!
Our October Ladies’ Luncheon and Bible Study. We are going through Ruth right now. September’s and October’s Youth Activity: Pinata making and Pinata painting. Fun! Now we’re ready to fill them with candy for our Harvest Party coming up on the 23rd! Yay!
Columbus Day workday. One of our ladies brought Sausage Grinders for lunch!
September 2011
We had such a great day on our Anniversary Sunday September 4! A small instrumental ensemble of Piano, Bass Guitar, Xylophone, Flute, Trombone, and Trumpet played “Amazing Grace” for the offertory. It sounded very nice. Then after worship we headed over to Ray Warner’s backyard for our annual and very yummy Fried Turkey Fellowship. One woman accepted Christ as Savior while we were preparing for baptism! God is so good!
CJ Crain, Bethany Gedeon, Paula Kairnes, and Dominic Ponce were baptized at our last fellowship of the summer! Thank you so much for your continued prayers and support! We are so thankful for you!
Don & Marie Wilbanks have come to help us with the construction! What a blessing! Pictured are several workdays we have had at the church. Most of what you see is done has been volunteer work! God has graciously blessed the efforts of these workers! See more pictures and new updates at our church website. “So they said, ‘Let us rise up and build.’ Then they set their hands to this good work.” Nehemiah 2:18, “So we built the wall, . . . for the people had a mind to work.” Nehemiah 4:6