August 2011

  • The YET Team came and did a 3-day program for us.  Thanks!!!
  • First FWB of Florence, SC sent their youth group up to help us with our Family Fun Day outreach program and passed out 800 doorhanger invitations for VBS!  Thank you!
  • Yorkshire FWB Church of Manassas, VA sent a group up with all the supplies for VBS.  They put on a tremendous week of fun and “gold mining” for truth in God’s Word! Thank you!!!

Ground Breaking Service

Praise the Lord!!!!  We got our shovels and went to the church lot On July 10, 2011 to break ground and dedicate the building to God’s service and Glory.

It was nice to have Dr. Dave nobles and David & Jodene Clark visiting From

Bethel Free Will Baptist Church in Woodbridge, VA.

Thank you So much for your

prayers and Support! Without you this day

never would have come!


Summer 2011

Please Pray for:
Fun Fair July 23
VBS August 1-5
and our Summer fellowships, as well.

We had a very busy May!  Below are pictures of our Striped Bass Fellowship, and a photo of our Laides’ Bible Study Luncheon.  We thoroughly enjoyed having the Goodfellows from Virginia Beach.  What a blessing they were to us!  You can read about their adventures with us on Sue’s blog.


You can also download the Pdf version. Beacon Summer 2011 Page-1, Beacon Summer 2011 Page-2

May 2011

Special thanks to Dock Hoilman, Cindy, and the teens from Heritage Free Will Baptist Church in Fredericksburg, VA. They worked hard trying to help put up a silt fence at the church property so that when we get our permits, we can begin excavation. But they discovered after a few hours of hard work that there were just too many rocks. They also helped clear a truckload of trash that had been dumped on the lot. Then they presented a youth rally for our kids. We were very blessed to have them.
Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for this ministry! Thank you for your faithful support!
Thank you for your continued prayers for the well permit, and thank you for your donations for the building program!
Pictured Below, the Goodfellows, from Gateway Free Will Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, VA, came in their RV to be our next-door-neighbors for a month. They will be teaching a men’s and women’s Sunday school class, and he will be teaching our Wednesday night.
Easter & Mother’s Day
We had a very nice Easter and Mother’s Day this year. We have had several new guests in the past month. Please pray for us as we reach out to these new families and individuals. Thank you!


You can also download the Pdf version. Beacon May 11 Page1Beacon May 11 Page2

April 2011

Thank you so much for your faithful prayers for this ministry! Thank you for your faithful support!
Thank you for your continued prayers for the well permit, and thank you for your donations for the building program!
Anna Gedeon, Billy Reynolds, Hannah Reynolds, Mason Kairnes, and Michaela Reynolds were participants in the Youth Cookie Cook-Off for grades 4 and up.
Our Visit to First FWB Church of Melbourne, FL
Pictured below, on our recent vacation to Florida, we visited First Free Will Baptist Church in Melbourne. Pastor Steve and Mrs. Cindy Berry presented our children with gift bags. Special thanks to the folks at First FWB for their hospitality and generosity! We truly enjoyed your fellowship!

You can also download the Pdf version. Beacon April 2011 Page 1 Beacon April 2011 page 2